Relocation Service Network
Our experienced professionals take the pain out of relocating to Japan.
We cover all aspects of house-hunting and offer a wealth of information to ensure you feel at home in Tokyo.
We've been serving corporate giants for over 20 years.

  Advisor of Visa applications
Assistance with
visa applications

Housing coodinator
Finding a place
to live

Orientation organizer
Helping you get
around town
Information provider
To make your
life easier
And more information
clients only

Change of address/phone number

Please take note that as of October 15, 2013, our office has moved to the following new location. Please also note that our phone and fax number have changed.

New Address:
#901 Ark Hills Front Tower RoP, 2-23-1, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
New TEL: +81-(0)3-6277-8722 : New FAX: +81-(0)3-6277-8853

Copyright © 2013 Relocation Service Network. All rights reserved.